The Christmas Star
Once upon a time,
or so our story starts,
a child climbed his Mother's knee,
and implored her from his heart:

"Mommy, why is there a star
Upon our Christmas tree,
And why is it so big and bright,
Please tell all to me."

Each year a mother hears this question,
And then she must review
The story that's been often told,
But still forever new.

"Long, long ago in Palestine,
Upon a night serene,
A wondrous star flamed in the east,
The brightest ever seen.

And people wondered as they looked
If this might be a sign,
That God would work a miracle
To show His hand divine.

And there were shepherds on a hill,
Who watched their flocks that night,
When suddenly, the whole sky glowed,
With a blinding, radiant light.

The shepherds were amazed and awed,
They shook with trembling fear,
Then slowly from the light they saw
An angel form appear.

'Fear not' he said,'`I bring you news
Of peace to be restored,
For unto you this day is born,

The joyful shepherds left their flocks,
And started following
The shining star that would lead them
To see the newborn King.

And in another region were
Three Magi, old and wise,
They, too, looked on the gleaming star
But it brought them no surprise.

This was the sign long prophesied;
The day was now at hand,
When a great new King would come
To bring peace to the land.

The Magi gathered precious gifts
Of gold and spices sweet -
A tribute to the Savior Child,
And lay them at His feet.

They mounted camels and they wrapped
Their robes about them tight.
The shepherds too, trudged slowly on
Throughout the chilly night.

Before the wanderers went the star,
It stopped at Bethlehem,
And now they knew the miracle
Would be revealed to them.

About the city streets they searched
For a palace high and grand,
That would be fitting for a King,
Who was to rule the land.

The star came down at last to rest,
Above a stable door,
The travelers saw animals,
And straw upon the floor.

'Where is the King that is to be?'
They asked in great surprise -
The donkeys and cows and sheep,
Turned on them wondering eyes.

A man named Joseph greeted them,
His face was worn and thin,
'We have been quartered here,' he said
'No room was at the the inn.'

'And this is Mary, my dear dear wife,
So gentle, pure and mild.
We've traveled far from Nazareth,
Tonight was born the Child.'

He pointed to a manger crib,
And there upon the hay,
Surrounded by a radiance,
The Infant Jesus lay.

The Magi and the shepherds knew
That here was CHRIST THE LORD -
They knelt upon the stable floor,
And worshipped and adored.

And high above the stable roof,
A host of angels sang,
'Glory to God in the highest,'
All night their voices rang.

And so each year we tell the tale
Of Jesus' humble birth,
That men may live in brotherhood,
And peace be on earth.

And then we put the shining star,
Upon the Christmas tree,
To show God's promise to the world,
And His love for you and me."

~ Rose Cordain ~

Happy Christmas to you all. May you remember the wonders of this season, and our joyous Savior's birth.


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