How I Manifested my way to my Teaching Position
It may sound crazy, but I manifested my way to my job at Saugus High. Here’s the back story: early springtime of this year, I decided to return to teaching, and as if it was meant to be, there was a position opening at my previous school. I could slip right back in where I left off, or so I thought. Unfortunately, after interviewing, the new principal did not offer me the job. Talk about a hit to my ego! However, I had to believe there would be other opportunities.
I soon heard a position might become available at my alma mater, Saugus High, but the job would not post until the summertime. While it was a while to wait, it was then that I locked it in my mind-- Saugus would be mine!
Around this same time, I rediscovered manifestation. I say rediscovered because my mom exposed me to it when I was a teenager. I distinctly remember lying on the living room floor with my eyes closed visualizing my desires. I can still hear the meditation music my mom played in the background. While I was intrigued, I never put too much thought into all of it. That is until earlier this year.
After stumbling across a podcast about manifestation, I started following the practices. I decided I would manifest the Saugus job into my life. I began changing my thoughts and words. I put the keys of manifesting into practice. I set my intention. I practiced gratitude, and I visualized it. One day, while in a walk with Jayde, I even took a detour and walked over to Saugus High. As I stood in front of the school, I visualized myself teaching there. I imagined myself in the classroom, making copies, and walking around campus. I imagined how it would feel. I pictured it all in my mind. I changed my words. I spoke as if I already had the job. It wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when. On May 8th, I journaled this: "I will manifest the Saugus High job. I have manifested this or something better for the highest good for all involved, and it is done." I was doing everything right, but there was one major problem, the Saugus job did not become available.
More English jobs posted. I was hopeful. I interviewed; however, each time the schools selected candidates with additional credentials; credentials I didn't have. One school needed EL and another needed career pathways. I didn't see this as a rejection. I saw these as cosmic shifts. The universe had my back and was working to bring about the best situation possible.
Perhaps the most obvious cosmic shift was at the very end of the summer. Three weeks before the start of the school year, it came through the pipeline that a teacher at one of the schools I'd previously interviewed at was going to retire, and they wanted to offer me the job; however, they needed to wait for her to submit her paperwork before officially offering me anything. I got this news on a Monday. I was excited at the job prospect. I waited, and waited, and waited, but for whatever reason (in retrospect it was the universe making shift), this teacher took her time, and I honestly began to doubt if she would retire.
Then the most amazing thing happened. On Thursday, I received a text message from my friend who works at Saugus. A Saugus job would be posing later that day! An English teacher had taken a last-minute counseling position. I emailed the principal at Saugus indicating my interest in the job. He got back to me and let me know interviews would take place later the next week. The timing wasn't ideal, but I was grateful for the two opportunities I had before me. Now it was a waiting game. Which school would offer me a job first?
Monday morning rolled around, and I received a call from an assistant principal at Saugus. They wanted to interview me that day! This was it. The universe had been working and making shifts to get me here. I interviewed, and they offered me the job. That which I had manifested back in April came to pass. The crazy thing is, later that day the other school called. The lady had finally submitted her retirement paperwork. I thanked them for the opportunity and informed them I had already taken a position somewhere else. It was a matter of hours that made all difference.
Manifesting is real! Some of the things I did that I believed worked were I was very clear with my intention. I spoke as if I had already received it. I took inspired action. I practice gratitude for it even though I had yet to receive it and I visualized it. If there were days I felt low vibe and doubtful, I recognized those emotions and journaled out my fears, but I went right back to practicing gratitude and resetting my mindset. I am so grateful to be at Saugus High. It feels like home, and it is where I will stay for the remainder of my teaching career.
Lately, I have been busy and not focusing much on manifesting anything in particular, but I have a few things in mind for what I do want to work towards obtaining in the future. For now, I am concentrating on keeping myself high vibe and open to inspiration.
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