Finding Success with Nursing the Second Time Around

Last week I was nursing Jayde in the mother's room at Disneyland, and there were a handful of other mothers doing the same for their babies, and then I realized the woman in front of me was not nursing her baby, instead she was setting up to pump, and I sympathized with the woman. Now, I don't know the reasons why she's pumping, it could be by choice for all I know, but I was reminded of the struggles I faced with breastfeeding Hudson, and all the tears I shed when I realized it was not going to work for me the way I hoped it would. I tried, but by the time Hudson was two months old, I was pumping full time. I hated it, but I wanted to provide him with the best nourishment possible. Sadly for me, by six months, Hudson was on formula full time. All throughout my pregnancy with Jayde, the one thing I said over and over to people is how I was determined to have a successful breastfeeding experience this time and how I wouldn't leave the hospital until I knew it was working. I have been so blessed this time. From the moment she was born, she latched on for dear life, and I couldn't have been happier, and through that first month, I welcomed the initial pain that comes with breastfeeding because I knew the pain was worth it in the long run. No amount of pain could stop me.

Jayde is now two months old and I'm so proud of her and of myself. Evey time I look down at her little body receiving nourishment from mine, I'm grateful. There are things I've experienced with her that I never did with Hudson such as her stopping in the middle of eating, looking up at me and smiling as if to say, "Thank you mommy. I love you."


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