Hi, I'm Melody. Wife to Nathan, mom to Hudson and Jayde, teacher to many.

This Old Thing?

I have had this navy blue corduroy peacoat for so long. I got it when I was in 10th grade from a store that doesn't even exist anymore, Miller's Outpost. It is about two sizes too big and probably entirely out of style, but I don't care. It is so comfortable. In the mornings, when it is cold and I wish I was still bundled up in bed, I grab this coat and since I can practically wrap it around me twice, I bundle up and it makes me feel so cozy. Today was one of those days.

Do you have any items like that in your closet?


  1. As a result of frequent closet purges, I don't have a comforting piece that I basically grew up in, but I have a sweater that I refer to as a sleeping bag :-) It already had its 15 minutes on my blog this winter: Clicky

    By the way, I applaud your ability to make flat boots look like the have a heel. How do you do that? ^^

  2. Actually, I have the exact same coat! I copied you remember? I love it for the same reason. Many a time I have thrown it over pj's with uggs and driven my son to preschool on a cold morning.

  3. I love your blog. Your style is adorable.

    Please check mine out and if you like it follow me back, id really appreciate the support!

  4. It's great you still have it. I wish I had some of my high school days clothes.


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